Friday, September 19, 2008

NHL 09

I bought NHL 09 two weeks ago and haven't put it down since. I've never been a fan of sport's games (probably because I wasn't good at them), but I love hockey and therefore really wanted to get this game. It's amazing. Apparently there are a lot of new features, but it's all new to me. I tried playing my friend who plays hockey games religiously (but hasn't played this one yet) and he gave me quite the challenge despite the fact that I've been practicing for days. I guess all sport games have a similar learning curve. Fortunately, I'm a pretty adaptable gamer and was able to turn his own strategies against him on the offense while shutting him down in the defensive zone. I won two games and he won one. He went out and bought the game himself after that, so it will probably be a lot harder to beat him next time. The only answer to that is: practice, practice, practice.

I'm off to go camping this weekend, so I'll get more into the game's structure and features later... there's a lot to talk about when it comes to NHL 09!

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